Times Editor Stood Down.

Alistair Finlay

Re: The Ballarat Courier – Times Editor Stood Down 10 October 2020.

I have previously advised that I would be registering media responses on my website to ensure fairness and transparency in reporting as it occurs.

In September 2018, as the former Mayor, I publicly called for a “Stop to Online Trolling” of which I had experienced by the faceless people on social media and others who propagate lies and deceit to form a newspaper heading.

On 9 October 2020, I had my 50thplus birthday – but there was no celebration, I was, and still feel sick about the text message that was inadvertently sent to me, rather than the recipient the Ballarat Times Editor, Mr Finlay had been communicating with.

In an attempt to placate the text message, Mr Finlay was very forthcoming about the name of the recipient but also other ‘white anting’ that disappointingly included some current councillors. When your read some councillor candidate statements treat with extreme caution, as their so-called transparency is as opaque as their character and they will say and do anything without any consideration to moral fibre and integrity. Just for one more vote and to be popular on facebook.

I would much prefer to be telling you about the enormous successful projects achieved over the last four years:

Massive State and Federal grants lining the pockets of Ballarat’s balance sheet. Waste to energy plans to reduce, reuse and reclaim our waste
Ballarat West Employment Zone that will bring jobs and opportunities for other businesses. Restoring Her Majesty’s theatre to attract the arts and performances and lets not forget sporting, major events and much, much more.

But here I am, writing about a text message that I didn’t want, but did receive.

I do need to acknowledge the ABC and the Courier for raising this text message issue as information that the community should be aware of, not just because there is a council elections but because this bullying and misogynistic behaviour needs to have a bright light shone on it.

The community also has a right to know who was the proposed recipient and is it someone that you associate with, is it someone you call a friend, do you do business with them are you sitting next to them right now?

On Sunday night on 60 Minutes Erin Molan (Channel Nine sport reporter) and Anthony Seibold (former Broncos NRL Coach) spoke about how trolling and hate speech had driven them to a mental health breakdown in an attempt to ruin their lives and now there was the need to prosecute. As a community we cannot let this type of behaviour continue as it ruins friendships, families, individuals and it ruins the truth.

Several weeks ago, I asked my family and myself if all this abuse and emotional turmoil is worth it? For three years I worked 7 days a week to market and progress Ballarat, to place us, a small city down under, on the world stage and well known with leaders who fight for World Heritage preservation and acknowledgement just to get this continual harassment.  I can certainly see and have experienced how a person’s mental health can be treated as incidental in a story.

What difference can I make against all this abuse on social media and white anting from other councillors. And then I received the “Gift” – which explained so much and now I am even more energised and determined to succeed.

This targeted character assassination from media and some councillors is having an affect – more and more people are calling, offering to place signs in their front yard, letter drop and beautiful notes of support in my mail, as their expression of backing and defiance.

The vail of transparency and accountability is shifting, who did take a first/business class air flight trip to Finland, who did spend $18,000 of rate payer money on their personal legal bills – it wasn’t me! Ask yourself – who was it then?

Community will make their decision on 13 November 2020 and I will accept the outcome, but I can assure you that I am bruised, but I am not beaten.


Making sense of FOI council expenses.


That Crystal Chandelier